Thursday, November 18, 2010

Embracing our Differences

The image is made by coping the shape of a cartoon person. Then making a white and black version, after this I placed the two in a repeating pattern. Then i got a picture of the Earth and added an inner shadow and outer glow to make it appear three dementional. I then added a gradient to the background and put a spotlight effect on the Earth. Finally I blurred the pattern to make it look far away and also put more emphasis on the Earth.

Monday, October 4, 2010

CD Cover Art Design Principles

This CD cover follows the rules of design. Both the small and big text show repition because they use the same font. There is a lot of contrast between the black background and the colorful lines. The text and colors are aligned off to the left giving more emphesis to the text. The only only other image on the cover is a logo that shows good proximity because its a distance away from the main title.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I believe Napster and Jamglue shouldnt have been shut down for copyright. However they should have been fined for what they did.